Innova Green Builders
General Contracting
Innova Green Builders
A Unique Approach To Renovations And New Construction
Innova Green Builders, Innova’s General Contracting arm, specializes in two types of construction; Renovation and new construction of urban rowhomes, and tenant in place renovations of existing multi-family properties. Innova has built more than 100 row homes in the past 10 years in Philadelphia, and has gained a reputation as one of the most conscientious and energy efficient builders in the city. Prior to getting into the row home market, however, Innova had made a name for itself in the preservation niche. Starting with one of the first tax credit projects ever built in Philadelphia, Regent Terrace, in 2010, Innova has been the general contractor on dozens of resyndications, or “preservation deals” as they are known in the affordable housing world. Innova uses all of its hard-won knowledge of multi family design, construction, energy efficiency and operations to bear on creating and executing scopes of work that enable Owners to continue to provide quality, safe and efficent affordable housing for years to come. Innova is particularly adept at executing these scopes of work with a minimum of resident relocation, and in many cases are able to completely remodel apartments with residents in place.